(256) 366-9142
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Automate your
world with mikewill automation

See why over 75 companies in more than 38 states choose to work with Mikewill Automation for their needs in process engineering, turnkey solutions, and factory automation.
By the numbers

The stats don't lie

Making automation history isn't easy, but by advancing our technical abilities we're able to push the boundaries in whats possible for factory automation.
Companies Served
Years of Experience
$1.2 m
Estimated Savings
avg Increase in Output

Trusted by the worlds top companies

See our case studies
Core Capiblities

Our Core Services

With an amazing team of dedicated engineers and technical personal we cover hundreds of services, but here are the core Mikewill services.
Automation Planning

Automation Planning

Given the many combined years of experience in a variety of industries, Mikewill can assist with planning for the best automation solution.

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Automation Design

Automation Design

Mikewill uses the latest tools and technologies to supply the most efficient and cost effective designs. We are constantly pushing the envelope on whats possible in automation.

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Project Commissioning

Project Commissioning

After finalizing the design phase, our expert team will ensure seamless transition for your project. Customer satisfaction is at the forefront of every successful project.

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Turnkey Solution

Turnkey Solution

Our Turnkey Solution covers your project from start to finish, including electrical and mechanical installation. Everything is  covered to get your processes running for years to come.

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Automation Planning

Given the many combined years of experience in a variety of industries, Mikewill can assist with planning for the best automation solution.

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Automation Planning


Automation Design

Mikewill uses the latest tools and technologies to supply the most efficient and cost effective designs. We are constantly pushing the envelope on whats possible in automation.

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Automation Design


Project Commissioning

After finalizing the design phase, our expert team will ensure seamless transition for your project. Customer satisfaction is at the forefront of every successful project.

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Project Commissioning


Turnkey Solution

Our Turnkey Solution covers your project from start to finish, including electrical and mechanical installation. Everything is  covered to get your processes running for years to come.

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Turnkey Solution
Get Electric

electrician Services

In addition to manufacturing automation, Mikewill offers a wide range of factor electrician services. With over 20 years of experience running EMT, PVC, Aluminum, Galvanized, and PVC coated IMC Conduit we have the skills to build, add, or maintain any factory electric needs.

From wiring a 3-Phase electric motor to full factory electric setup we have you covered, message us today to setup your factory grid.

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"Mikewill Automation not only helped us improve and lower our time to market, but they drastically improved our fundamental business and allowed us to succeed in a highly competitive industry."

Scott Tucker

CEO, Tucker Milling
Our partners

we work

We bring the best in  industry automation and find the perfect fit for your tailored application. Don't worry we have the right solution for you.
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